Research Ring
  • Research Ring

  • EDA, PPG, temperature, and ECG captured from a ring

  • Product No: NS-1094
  • Manufacturer: Biopac
  • Request Quote


BIOPAC’s new Research Ring allows researchers to capture high-quality data from various physiological signals from a small, user-friendly research-grade ring. The Research Ring’s compact, non-intrusive design eliminates the need for straps, bands, and adhesive electrode attachments. The device collects high-quality data such as electrodermal activity (EDA/GSR), pulse (PPG), skin temperature, and when a second point of contact is made, electrocardiogram (ECG), sampling rates can be selected depending on the biosignal. Additional calculated channels can be added using AcqKnowledge, for example: calculate real-time HR/HRV from ECG. For more derived signals, see below. An in-built IMU allows users to measure acceleration and movement. Data is automatically uploaded from the accompanying application to the cloud for analysis and can be synchronized with AcqKnowledge in real time or imported into AcqKnowledge asynchronously from the cloud. Up to 6 rings can be used simultaneously and in synchrony. Data is encrypted and anonymous.

The ring can be used on various finger sizes with the help of different-sized shims to fit adolescents up to adults. The ring itself only weighs 9 grams (or 0.32 oz). The ring can run on a single charge for eight hours and be recharged wirelessly (depending on the selected channels and sampling rate).


System Features

  • Wearable for different finger sizes with different-sized shims - fits most fingers from adolescents to adults
  • Up to eight hours on a single charge
  • Wirelessly rechargeable
  • Lightweight at 9g/0.32oz
  • User-selectable sampling rates
  • Derived signals (EDRindex, EDRamp, EDL, ΔEDL, HR, HRV, RSA)
  • Up to 6 rings usable simultaneously and fully synchrony
  • High signal quality comparable to BIOPAC's BioNomadix modules


Technical Specifications

Research Ring Technical Specifications

Data Transmission Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE)
Recording Software (included) Sensteam iOS App (15.2 or later) or AcqKnowledge from BIOPAC Systems
Battery Life 8h (single, complete charge)
Charging Custom magnetic coupling to USB-A for charging


Sensor Technical Specifications

Sensor Recorded Biosignal Sampling Rate (max.) Bandwidth
PPG Pulse (Plethysmography, green LED) 400 Hz 0.33-200 Hz
EDA Electrodermal Activity (GSR, uSiemens) 400 Hz DC-20 Hz
ECG Electrocardiography (3 electrodes) 800 Hz 0.33-320 Hz
TMP Skin/surface Temperature (°C or °F) 20 Hz 0-45 °C
ACC Accelerometry (gravity) 50 Hz 0-4 g


Research Ring Picture Gallery 



Please note: Important! This product is for research applications only. Not a medical device as defined in EU directive 93/42/EEC. Not designed or intended to be used for diagnosis or treatment of disease.